Northern Beaches


Australian solar is the lowest cost electricity delivered in the world.

Thanks to our abundant sunshine and government incentives, the cheapest form of energy is Australian rooftop solar. Once installed, solar energy provides inflation-proof, low-cost electricity for 20-25 years.

Join the Solar Revolution!

Australia has the world’s cheapest form of energy and is generated on the rooftops of millions of Australian homes: solar power. One-third of Australian households are enjoying the benefits of solar, and we want to help you enjoy them too. Ready to start now? Complete the enquiry form and one of our solar partners will contact you directly for your personalised quote, and advice you on what will work for your roof.

Why should I get solar on my roof?

Save on bills

Australia is lucky to have the world’s cheapest form of energy in our rooftop solar thanks to our abundant sunshine and government subsidies. Our solar partners can advise on subsidies to help with upfront costs too.

Future price protection

An average sized solar system pays itself back in around 3-5 years. With energy prices expected to continue to rise - especially with gas shortages looming - once you’ve paid for your solar system your energy costs will continue to remain low.

Trusted providers

We know there is a lot of confusion over genuine, quality providers so we’re helping community members navigate their solar journey by partnering with vetted suppliers who have agreed to offer participants a discount.

Build your electric home

Once you’ve got energy flowing straight off your rooftop, you can use electricity for heating, cooling, cooking, hot water, and even charging an electric vehicle.

Be a climate solution!

We need to wind up all the fossil fuel burning as soon as possible, and this - saving money with solar panels - is the easiest way you can reduce emissions.

Help the community

The more solar there is, the more it benefits the whole community as increased local power generation reduces the costs of power transmission.

Is solar for you?

Whatever your situation is, take the time to consider how you can reduce your energy bills and be part of the energy transition as soon as possible.
As we electrify, we will use more electricity so we need to think about expanding our solar production. For instance, with the inevitable transition to electric vehicles, increased solar generation can offset the cost of running your car so either a large solar array or an expandable one will help prepare for the future. Also if your solar system is old, this may be a good time to upgrade it. We are focusing on recycling and end of life programs too.

Why do people love having solar?

Our friends at Zero Emissions have captured some key reasons why it’s worth powering up with solar.


Getting Started

Choosing Systems


Getting the most out of your solar

Want to learn more?

Here is an in-depth discussion on what solar panels to get and the benefits available to you. We can put you in touch with local suppliers and help you evaluate what system will work well for your situation.

Even if you had a magic wand and all the coal-powered electricity plants in the world were free – which they never will be – the transmission costs would still be higher than rooftop solar. It’s worth investing in!

Get started today!