Northern Beaches

Electric Vehicles

Welcome to the future of travel!

Electric vehicles (EVs) are our ticket to a cleaner, greener Australia.

When we think about electrifying our homes, we may think about what’s inside rather than what is parked in our driveway. Yet nearly 70% of a home’s energy use comes from powering our cars. Switching to an EV is the single biggest way to reduce your household’s energy use and running costs.

EVs mean cheaper energy running costs and healthier communities.

Ready to start now?


Electric cars are more efficient.

Electric vehicles running on solar or other renewable energy sources consume only 25-35% of petrol or diesel cars. This is because engines are only about 30% efficient in burning petrol or diesel.

And they’re cheaper to run.

An average Australian household spends over $3000 every year on fuel. If you charge your car off the grid, those costs halve. If you charge it using the solar power generated on your roof, you will spend virtually nothing. Switching to an EV also means removing annual servicing, maintenance of moving parts, oil top ups and rising petrol costs.

Chargers are easily available

Range anxiety is a thing of the past, with EV chargers popping up all over Australia and vehicle ranges improving.

Why should I buy an EV?

Save on fuel costs

Australia is lucky to have some great options available in the range of EV’s. With the world’s cheapest form of energy in our rooftop solar, we can use our abundant sunshine to charge our cars and save heaps of money. Government subsidies are available to help with upfront costs.

Advancing tech

Technology is rapidly improving in this space and with the introduction of vehicle-to-grid tech coming everywhere, EVs present the most exciting energy product - transforming our homes and our grid. We will effectively all have huge home batteries on wheels, meaning we can use our cars to help power our homes, potentially saving thousands on energy bills.

Breathe Easily

Exhaust pollution causes over 1,700 deaths and health costs of approximately $3.3 billion in Australia each year*. Switching to an electric vehicle helps your whole community. Our roads will be cleaner, healthier and quieter.
* Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics (2005), Health Impacts of transport emissions in Australia

You will love affordable clean driving

This video demonstrates some key reasons why it’s worth driving forward with an efficient performance electric car.

Want to learn more?

Here is an in-depth discussion on affordable electric vehicles from our friends at Zero Emissions Sydney North and The Good Car Company.

Even if you had a magic wand and all the petrol stations in the world were free – which they never will be – the maintenance and servicing costs would still be higher than a petrol car. It’s worth getting an EV! Learn more.


Getting Started



"I'm saving hundreds of dollars every week on petrol costs by having an entry-level EV. They are fun to drive too. It’s worth getting an EV!"
- Amy Bancroft
Mum and Psychologist.

Get started today!

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